Pro Health Web

Strategies For A Fulfilling And Active Life With An Ostomy

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Living with an ostomy bag is difficult. That is why you need to go through our 8 strategies for a fulfilling and active life with an ostomy, which will help you stay active and happy.

In this article, we have talked about many things regarding an ostomy. Some of these include

what you should eat, the type of clothing you ought to wear, how you should travel, etc, with an ostomy bag.

8 Tips To Enjoy Life With An Ostomy Bag

These tips will guide you on living a normal fun-filled life even if you have an ostomy bag attached to your body.

1. Clothing

I would advise you to stick to loose clothing until you fully recover from your colostomy surgery.

After which, you can wear more or less any type of clothing, but make sure you feel comfortable in your outfit. The best thing to do is try different styles of clothes to find out which makes you feel at ease with the ostomy.

Whether you want to show or hide your ostomy bag is totally up to you. If you want to keep your pouch hidden then shop for clothes and accessories accordingly so that you feel comfortable and look good too!

2. Eating

An ostomy can affect the way your body reacts to certain foods. Therefore, at first, you should try all types of food at home and see if eating anything causes gas, constipation, or urine problems.

When eating, you need to chew your food properly before swallowing.  Another important factor is to drink a minimum of  6 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated.

And yes, an ostomy bag doesn’t mean that you always have to stick to homemade food. You can go out to eat your favorite food, provided it doesn’t cause you any trouble.

3. Hygiene And Cleanliness

Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene with an ostomy appliance attached to your body is important. More importantly, you must keep your bag secure so that it doesn’t leak.

A leakage in your ostomy bag is likely to cause skin irritation, and as a result, the adhesive of your pouch will not stick to your skin properly. This will cause further leakages and damage your skin further.

Try to keep the skin around your ostomy clean and healthy so that you feel comfortable with your pouch.

Although maintaining an ostomy bag can be challenging, you need to prioritize emptying the bag at the right time to prevent leakages and to keep your skin safe.

4. Dating

An ostomy could make you feel insecure and less confident when it comes to dating. Well, if you find the right person everything is possible!

When you talk to your potential partner before the date, tell them about the ostomy to see how they react. If they are ok with it then you can arrange to meet for a date.

It’s always better to clear these types of medical issues before meeting for a date rather than telling them upfront to avoid any negativity and backlash.

5. Sexlife

Once you recover from your colostomy surgery, you can gradually go back to your normal sex life. You may feel unhygienic and insecure because of the products in the ostoma, which is why you should empty the bag before getting intimate.

Try to take things slowly at first as you and your partner need to figure out how to satisfy each other without causing any problems to your health. Other than that, ensure that the ostomy bag is probably closed to prevent any leakage during intimacy.

6. Exercising

Before you think about exercising, ask your doctor whether it’s safe to do so. Your doctor will suggest which exercises won’t cause you any problems and also tell you about the precautions that need to be taken.

Try to wear comfortable clothes and an ostomy belt when you exercise so that your pouch stays in place. This will also reduce the risks of damaging the skin around your stoma.

Take help from a fitness trainer to help you plan a workout routine. Start with short, simple exercises and slowly increase the duration and intensity of your workout sessions so there is no injury.

Start with low-impact exercises that include cycling, jogging, swimming, and walking, as these do not put pressure on the ostomy.

7. Traveling

Do not sit at home just because you have an ostomy. Get out and travel to new places. Just make sure to carry extra supplies that you will need for changing and keeping clean.

If you plan to travel by air, then pack your supplies in your checked-in bag and hand luggage as well. Before taking off, clean your pouch and release all the gas from it because a change in air pressure could cause your ostomy to burst.

8. Workplace

Getting back to work after a colostomy surgery can be stressful. You should consult your doctor and tell them about your working environment and the nature of your job. This will help them to determine whether you are fit enough to go back to your workplace.

Talk to your boss and arrange extra breaks, as you may need to change your pouch. Always carry extra supplies and a spare of clothes to work in case of leakages.


  1. Is it possible to enjoy a normal life with an ostomy bag?

Yes, you can live a normal life with an ostomy bag, provided you maintain hygiene and keep your bag secure.

  1. What is the easiest way to clean your stoma?

Simply wash the stoma area with warm water by using dry wipes, and then use a clean, dry wipe to pat dry properly.

  1. What should you avoid with an ostomy bag?

For the first couple of months after your surgery, try to avoid lifting anything that weighs more than 10 pounds.


There you go—now you know our 8 strategies for a fulfilling and active life with an ostomy. There is no more reason to get upset. You can do just about anything, which includes dating, swimming, traveling, and whatnot!